Saturday, 3 February 2007

Tubby Isaacs

Bienvenue to all new readers!

I suppose I should begin in traditional style by explaining just why my blog is named after a large, wide-winged bird. L'albatros is my favourite poem, written by Charles Baudelaire, in the nineteenth Century. It may seem corny or somewhat unoriginal to name a blog after someone else's work, but I do so because it is the meaning of the poem which strikes me the most. So what on earth is that? I hear you ask. Apologies dear readers, but I have no intention whatsoever to turn this blog into an online analysis of allegorical poetry; such a deed would be both boring and pointless. Just type the title into any search engine and countless self-styled 'scholars' will witter on for pages what the true meaning apparently is.

But all online analyses aside, the ability of Baudelaire to express the manifold, hideous yet stunning complexity of human emotions, in but a few lines of poetry seemed to not seep, but flow from his mind: I neither pretend nor seek to rival his wisdom. But if I make just one unsuspecting reader reflect on life, even if it is only for a few seconds, then frankly, all this will have been worthwhile.



Francis said...

A worthy aim indeed Nick - I hope you are successful. Of course, I could fulfill your dream by personally taking time to contemplate, but that would be too easy now wouldn't it?

Phil' said...

A worthy aim indeed, per Francis. I must concur. It certianly worked for me.

Frenchy said...

"éxilé sur le sols au milieu des huées,
ses ailes de géant l'empêche de marcher."